Yesterday, Hamed Aleaziz of BuzzFeed reported on internal Trump administration documents underscoring the sheer cruelty and chaos inherent to the Trump administration’s plan to send asylum seekers from El Salvador and Honduras to Guatemala. The piece, “The Trump Administration Will Deport People Seeking Asylum In The US To Guatemala... Continue »
In a must-read article from the Charlotte Observer, Teo Armus and Ames Alexander detail how the Foundation for the Carolinas has been making grants to hardline anti-immigrant groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). To date, The Foundation... Continue »
Growing Pushback Against Trump’s Policies to Block Asylum The Trump administration’s asylum and border policies, including Remain in Mexico or MPP and the so-called “safe third country” agreements with El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, are cruel and chaotic.  The growing consequences of the human rights crisis Trump and Stephen... Continue »
“A small, dedicated ideological vanguard, with the right influence and connections, can steer the direction of the country.” In a detailed article for the Atlantic, “Trump’s White-Nationalist Vanguard: The emails of a key presidential aide show an extremist ideology influencing policy in the White House,” Adam Serwer details the... Continue »
In recent news in Trump’s asylum crisis, Trump and his administration are prepared to sign a rule that would fast-track asylum-seekers’ deportation back to the dangerous conditions in Central America, starting with Guatemala as early as this week — a country that has not been deemed a “safe third... Continue »
Calls for White Nationalist Stephen Miller’s Removal Are Escalating As the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) releases more details today of email exchanges between White House aide Stephen Miller and Breitbart that clearly illustrate Miller’s affinity for white supremacy and xenophobia, calls on the President to fire his white... Continue »
By Maribel Hastings and David Torres In this era in which nothing matters, the same seems to be true for President Donald Trump’s principal advisor on immigration issues, Stephen Miller, even though his ties to white nationalist groups only confirm the racial motivations behind his list of discriminatory and... Continue »
A recording of today’s call is available here.  Earlier today, a Yemeni Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holder and New York business owner was joined by advocates and a country conditions expert to discuss the urgent and critical need to extend TPS for Yemen for another 18 months as well... Continue »
Trump Inspires Latinos to Vote
So Much for Those Trump’s Coattails… Republicans keep relying on racial incitement and xenophobia in races across the country, but in election after election, the strategy is failing. The latest example comes from the gubernatorial runoff election in Louisiana, won by Democrat John Bel Edwards over Republican Eddie Rispone,... Continue »
In Any Other Time, Miller’s Racial Obsession Wouldn’t be Tolerated After the recent revelations that Stephen Miller is a bonafide white nationalist, exposed by two reports last week from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), more outrage and attention continues to drive the conversation that one of Trump’s highest... Continue »