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Immigration Reform News Today / Qué Pasa En Inmigración, November 29, 2016

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English (en español al final de la página):

Bloomberg (Opinion): The Coming Immigration Clash By Francis Wilkinson

Associated Press: Young immigrants who came forward now worried about future By Alicia A. Caldwell

Politico: Immigration-hardliner Sessions could execute crackdown as AG By Seung Min Kim

Bloomberg: Immigrants Prepare for Life Under President Trump By David Gura

The Intercept: Obama’s Use of Unreliable Gang Databases For Deportations Could Be A Model For Trump By Ali Winston

The Guardian: Hundreds of churches offer sanctuary to undocumented migrants after election By Harriet Sherwood

Fusion: Read the powerfully defiant message that San Francisco’s government sent to Donald Trump By Rafi Schwartz

New York Times: California Official Says Trump’s Claim of Voter Fraud Is ‘Absurd’ By Adam Nagourney

Politico: Trump spokesman fails to back up Trump claim of voter fraud By Brent Griffiths

Politico: Sanders: Trump voter fraud claims ‘disgraceful and unfounded nonsense’ By Madeline Conway

Politico: Trump tweets stoke fears of voting rights clampdown By Katie Glueck

PolitiFact: Fact-check: Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in this year’s election? By Allison Graves

Politico: Rep. Barletta in the running to be Trump’s transportation secretary By Rachel Bade

New York Times: Could Trump Really Deport Millions of Illegal Immigrants? By Haeyon Park and Troy Griggs

Washington Post: Deporting convicted criminals from the U.S. is not as easy as it sounds By Carol Morello

The Hill: Majority expect Donald Trump to keep promises By Rebecca Savransky

Chicago Tribune: How Donald Trump’s immigration plan could hurt tech and its workers By Kate MacArther

US News & World Report: Supreme Court to Consider Indefinite Detention for Immigrants By Alan Neuhauser

Associated Press: Woman from Guatemala dies while in ICE custody in Arizona

The Hill: Trump supporter banned for life from Delta flights after rant By Mallory Shelbourne

OC Weekly: Why Chicanos Love Fidel Castro But Hate Cuban Exile Politics By Gabriel San Roman

New York Times (California): In a California Valley, Healthy Food Everywhere but on the Table By Thomas Fuller

Vice (Texas): Against the wall By Meredith Hoffman

New York Times (Opinion): Donald Trump: Be ‘Big Marco’ or Set His Own Path? By David Leonhardt

US News & World Report (Op-Ed): Threading the Needle: Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory highlights the long-term challenges facing the GOP By Whit Ayres

The Hill (Op-Ed): Last chance this term for the Supreme Court to stand up for immigrants in detention By Kristina Shull, Rachel Levenson, and Terry Ding

The Hill (Op-Ed): Trump’s pick of Sessions undermines racial progress By Melissa Mark-Viverito

The Hill (Op-Ed): Trump’s border wall won’t normalize immigration By Alex Nowrasteh

Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Anti-Semitism Is Back. Will You Stand By Or Stand up? By Gabriel Groisman

Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Voter Suppression In A Post-Shelby World By Hannah Walker

Tulsa World (Opinion): Albert R. Hunt: Four 2016 election myths By Albert R. Hunt

En español:

Fidel, el dictador inconveniente para Estados Unidos
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El Grinch empieza a tener apellidos: Trump y Rubio
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La Opinión

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La Prensa (FL)

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Delta prohíbe de por vida volar en sus aviones a un simpatizante de Donald Trump (Video)

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Funcionario de Kansas podría ser el zar de inmigración
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Senador Marco Rubio propone no renovar DACA
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