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Immigration Reform News May 18, 2018 / Qué Pasa En Inmigración

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America’s Voice

Unlike GOP Leaders, Some Conservative Observers Speak Up and Condemn Trump’s Immigration Cruelty and Divisiveness

More Evidence of Trump Administration Focus on Deporting Long-Settled, Hardworking Immigrants

Michigan Advocates Kick Off 90-Mile March to Highlight Local Families Facing Deportation

Advocates Defend California Values Act from Ugly, Out-of-State Hate Groups

Brownstein, Sargent: 2018 Election Will be Determined by Who Shows Up

Ya no les cabe el odio


Color Lines Trump Administration Preparing to Hold Migrant Children at Military Bases
By Alfonso Serrano
May 17, 2018

AP Republican says leaders discuss votes on 2 immigration bills
By Alan Fram
May 17, 2018

The Washington Post The House GOP’s internal immigration battle, laid bare
By Amber Phillips
May 17, 2018

Politico Trump: ‘Animals’ comment referred to MS-13 gang members
By Rebecca Morin
May 17, 2018

CNN Vicente Fox blasts Trump after ‘animals’ comment
By Eli Watkins
May 17, 2018

CNN Media outlets take Trump out of context to suggest he called undocumented immigrants ‘animals’
By Oliver Darcy
May 17, 2018

CNN Trump on ‘animals’ comment: ‘I’m referring to the MS-13 gangs’
By Kevin Liptak and Jeremy Diamond
May 17, 2018

The Hill Vicente Fox sounds off on Trump: ‘Get your s— together’
By Aris Foley
May 17, 2018

The Hill Dem plans amendment to block Trump from using military bases to house undocumented minors separated from parents
By Rebecca Kheel
May 17, 2018

Reuters Farm bill prospects in U.S. House clouded by immigration debate
May 17, 2018

CNN Congress could be just five Republican signatures away from voting on DACA
By Lauren Fox and Tal Kopan
May 17, 2018

CNN The biggest political story no one is talking about
By Chris Cilizza
May 17, 2018

CNN Koch-backed group gives boost to Democrats on immigration
By Tal Kopan
May 17, 2018

The Hill McCarthy: There will be a June vote on Goodlatte immigration bill
By Juliegrace Brufke
May 17, 2018

The Hill GOP seeks immigration deal within next 24 hours
By Melanie Zanona
May 17, 2018

The Hill Pelosi: Discharge petition won’t promote Trump’s wall
By Mike Lillis
May 17, 2018

The Hill Koch brothers fund political ads praising Dems on immigration
By John Bowden
May 17, 2018

The Atlantic The Republican Party’s Generational Bet
By Ronald Brownstein
May 17, 2018

Cook Political Report What Do We Know With Just Under Six Months to Go
By Amy Walter
May 17, 2018

Sun-Sentinel (Florida) Gun control might not be top issue in 2018 elections, Florida poll finds
By Anthony Man
May 10, 2018

The Hill Dem lawmaker files formal complaint against lawyer who threatened to call ICE on people speaking Spanish
By Avery Anapol
May 17, 2018

The Hill Federal judge seems likely to rule against Trump on detainees
By Lydia Wheeler
May 17, 2018

USA Today ICE arresting more non-criminal undocumented immigrants
By Alan Gomez
May 17, 2018

Public Radio International After deportation, a family from Wisconsin will start anew in Cambodia
By Marnette Federis
May 17, 2018

Slate Bad Liars
By Mark Joseph Stern
May 17, 2018

Raw Story Evicted: Racist lawyer bro Aaron Schlossberg booted from office by landlord
By Sarah K. Burris
May 17, 2018

Washington Blade Gay Army chaplain struggles to save husband from deportation
By Lou Chibbaro Jr.
May 17, 2018

New York Times ‘Disgusted’ Officials File Complaint Against Man in Anti-Immigrant Rant
By Liz Robbins
May 17, 2018

The Washington Post The Daily 202: Immigration is tearing Republicans apart
By James Hohman
May 17, 2018

Roll Call John McCain’s Advice for the Next Immigration Battle
By Niels Lesniewski
May 17, 2018

CBS News Trump calls some criminal illegal immigrants “animals,” suggests Oakland mayor obstructed justice
May 17, 2018

Dallas Morning News Even as Trump tightens immigration, the U.S. labor shortage is becoming a crisis
By Alfredo Corchado
May 17, 2018

Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) Trump and America’s Immigrant Shortage
By James Freeman
May 17, 2018

The Washington Post (Opinion) Republicans are betting it all on aging white Trump voters
By Greg Sargent
May 17, 2018

The Washington Post (Opinion) The Trump era is a renaissance of half-witted intolerance
By Michael Gerson
May 17, 2018

St. Louis Dispatch (Op-Ed) Seizing children at border is vengeful
May 17, 2018


LatinoCalifornia Ya no les cabe el odio
By David Torres
May 18, 2018

HDN/Washington Latino News Ya no les cabe el odio
By David Torres
May 18, 2018

Noticiero Univision Grupo de congresistas republicanos busca forzar voto sobre temas migratorios incluido DACA (Video)
May 17, 2018

Noticiero Univision ¿Cuáles son las medidas que toman los inmigrantes para evitar incidentes racistas en EEUU? (Video)
May 18, 2018

LatinoCalifornia Trump deshumaniza a los inmigrantes
By America’s Voice
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Sacan de su oficina al abogado que amenazó a hispanos con llamar a ICE en NY
May 17, 2018

Noticiero Univision Congresista demócrata presenta queja contra abogado que insultó a dos trabajadores por hablar español (Video)
By Enny Pichardo
May 17, 2018

Univision Echan de su oficina a Aaron Schlossberg, el abogado que amenazó a dos empleados por hablar español
May 17, 2018

Univision Los antecedentes racistas de Aaron Schlossberg, el hombre que insultó a dos trabajadores por hablar español
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Firma de abogado que amenazó a hispanos con llamar a ICE ¡ofrece servicios en español!
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Abogado que amenazó a hispanos con llamar a ICE ¡se acobarda ante las cámaras!
May 17, 2018

CNN en Español Hombre en Nueva York a personas que hablaban español en un restaurante: Mi próxima llamada es a inmigración
By Faith Karimi
May 17, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Dijo en Starbucks que su nombre era Pedro, pero su café vino amargo por el insulto
By Josh Magness
May 17, 2018

Univision Se llama Pedro, pero le pusieron “frijolero” en el café que pidió en Starbucks
May 17, 2018

CNN en Español Los casos de discriminación contra latinos en EE.UU. (Video)
By Michael Roa
May 17, 2018

Univision En un clima hostil, los hispanos se preguntan si sigue siendo seguro hablar español en EEUU
By María Sánchez Díez y Jessica Weis
May 17, 2018

Noticiero Univision “Siempre me referiré a ellos como tales”: Trump tras llamar “animales” a miembros de la MS-13 (Video)
By Janet Rodríguez
May 17, 2018

Noticias Telemundo México responde a los comentarios del presidente Trump (Video)
May 17, 2018

Univision México envía una queja a Estados Unidos luego de que Trump llamó “animales” a algunos migrantes
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Gobierno mexicano considera que Trump “abre puerta peligrosa” al llamar “animales” a inmigrantes
By Agencia EFE
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) ICE arma redada en edificio de viviendas y detiene a 8 inmigrantes
By Agencia EFE
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) USCIS permite a inmigrante casarse con veterano, ICE lo detiene y ahora está en peligro de deportación
May 17, 2018

Noticias Telemundo Deportado después de pagar una condena injusta (Video)
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Procurador Sessions quita a jueces migratorios poder de cerrar casos de deportación
By Pilar Marrero
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) Pequeños cambios a proceso de menores migrantes suman menos justicia para ellos
By Pilar Marrero
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) ICE acusó a joven amparado por DACA de ser pandillero. Mintió.
May 17, 2018

Noticiero Univision Gobierno Trump busca que México reciba solicitudes de asilo de migrantes que quieren llegar a EEUU
By Jésica Zermeño
May 17, 2018

Univision Decenas de campesinos mexicanos llegaron a California engañados pagando miles de dólares por visas de trabajo
By Isaías Alvarado
May 17, 2018

El Nuevo Herald (FL) Educar a estudiantes inmigrantes es un reto, según expertos
By Brenda Medina, Kyra Gurney y Lena Jackson
May 17, 2018

La Opinión (CA) El Gobernador Brown firma ley que protege a los inmigrantes que testifican en cortes
May 17, 2018