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Sotomayor Confirmation Vote Reveals GOP “Latino Problem”

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Comprehensive Immigration Reform Offers Chance to Regain Lost Ground

Today, Judge Sonia Sotomayor became the first ever Latina and only the third woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States.  This will surely be seen as a historic moment for all Americans, including the Latino community. Unfortunately, what should have been a proud moment of bipartisanship was tarnished by the divisive votes of so many Republican senators who opposed Sotomayor.

“The confirmation of Justice Sotomayor to the Supreme Court is a historic moment for our country, and for all Americans. Her achievements show that hard work and perseverance can still make the American Dream come true no matter where you came from. Unfortunately, the thirty-one Republican senators who voted against Sotomayor–after acknowledging her distinguished record–show that the GOP has yet to change its stripes and set aside partisanship in favor of progress,” said Paco Fabian, communications director of America’s Voice.

“Following the Republican Party’s historic losses among Latino voters in the 2008 elections, you would think that GOP leaders would realize that they need to change course or risk further marginalization. But only nine Republican senators decided to set aside partisan politics and support Sotomayor. Opposing such a qualified nominee hardly sends a message of inclusion to Latino voters. The GOP will have another chance to redeem itself when Congress considers comprehensive immigration reform later this year; if the Party continues its ‘politics as usual’ strategy, watch for further losses among Latino voters in 2010 and beyond,” Fabian concluded.

America’s Voice — Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.

