In today's major address at American University, President Obama made a compelling case for why Congress needs to enact bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform, why the Arizona immigration law is the wrong response to growing frustration with inaction in Washington, and why the only way comprehensive reform can be enacted... Continue »
01/07/10 a 2:43pm por Maribel Hastings Por Maribel Hastings – WASHINGTON, D.C. – El presidente Barack Obama tocó en su discurso de hoy todos los puntos sobre la necesidad de una reforma migratoria integral y el reto ahora es conseguirla. ¿Tendremos la valentía y la voluntad política para hacerlo?,... Continue »
Obama's latest immigration speech brings welcome attention to the immigration crisis in America. Comprehensive immigration reform is urgently needed, but with it stalled, there are important, targeted measures -- like the DREAM Act -- that we can pass right now. Sign the petition and ask Congress and President Obama... Continue »
Today, President Obama will deliver remarks on the need to fix our broken immigration system through comprehensive immigration reform at the American Univeristy School of International Service. The speech will be streamed live at at 10:45AM EDT ( If you miss it, at 1:00 PM EST you can... Continue »